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10:00 AM

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11:15 AM

    Sunday School Classes (Starting on 10/6/24)

Mom to Mom Ministry

“teach the older women to . . . teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children.”

Titus 2:3–4

Real Mom Life is a biblically based curriculum taught by Linda Anderson and Theresa Nelson (video series) that encourages mothers in their every day mom jobs.  The series also provides perspective on some more specific parenting situations, such as raising strong-willed children, dealing with infertility, and addressing learning challenges.  We recognize that being a mom can be exhausting and sometimes frustrating. In these lessons, we talk about being a mom in the real world!   What we want most at Mom to Mom ministries is to equip you and encourage you on your journey as moms. We know how hard it is. We also know how important it is. And we know how rewarding it can be—long term, and occasionally, even right now where you are, in the trenches. Above all, we know that we do not parent alone. We have each other: moms learning and growing together. And, more importantly, we have our great God. He goes before, comes alongside, and loves our kids even more than we do! (

I want to invite any woman who is a mom and wants some encouragement and Godly insight to be a part of this study on the first Friday of the month for this next year. We will be meeting next on Friday, April 4th @ 5:30 at Grace. We will be continuing our discussion on our March 7th video teaching, "Screen Time: Using Media to Build Rather than Detract".

If you'd like to attend, there is a sign up on our bulletin board or you can email me at


Tricia Johnson


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